Yet One Rich Smile






Yet one smile more, departing, distant sun!
One mellow smile through the soft vapory air,
Ere, o’er the frozen earth, the loud winds run,
Or snows are sifted o’er the meadows bare.
One smile on the brown hills and naked trees,
And the dark rocks whose summer wreaths are cast,
And the blue gentian flower, that, in the breeze,
Nods lonely, of her beauteous race the last.
Yet a few sunny days, in which the bee
Shall murmur by the hedge that skirts the way,
The cricket chirp upon the russet lea,
And man delight to linger in thy ray.
Yet one rich smile, and we will try to bear
The piercing winter frost, and winds, and darkened air.
~William Cullen Bryant “November”


The window of richness is brief these November mornings,
enough time to feed and water animals,
watch the geese fly overhead,
capture the light and fog in soft vapory air
before it dissipates back to
just another ordinary day.
This blessing of light is
beyond my understanding,
beyond my ability to preserve,
beyond any gratitude I can offer.
It is freely given with a smile
and I delight to linger…




7 thoughts on “Yet One Rich Smile

  1. The first picture of ‘Morning’ is mesmerizing with its ethereal beauty; movement in a slight layering of a gentle wispy blanket across the earth; a hint of melancholy, as November often brings to the landscape. In total, a perfect vision for extended meditation….


  2. It was definitely ethereal; I had so little time to run around and capture it while the light was right and I needed to run off to work, and then couldn’t even look at them until 12 hours later. I was thinking about those pictures all day long!


  3. Breathe of beauty here and reminder to always return to gratitude. Simply lovely. Thank you. So glad your art is being featured on Ann Voskamp’s blog today.


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